Quarterly number of vehicles licensed or SORN

Numbers recorded on the last day of each quarter. SORN from 2007 Q4.
Covers United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland up to 2014 Q2. Includes Northern Ireland from 2014 Q3.

Licensed SORN
Quarter Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2023 222 248 238 225 249 226 235 241
2022 238 258 261 234 234 218 217 246
2021 217 261 260 238 245 215 223 243
2020 247 241 254 231 248 242 236 253
2019 278 300 300 268 219 192 204 0
2018 298 308 313 291 192 173 189 215
2017 318 333 335 303 170 157 174 196
2016 334 354 341 309 169 146 154 189
2015 347 359 360 340 142 131 138 165
2014 360 393 390 356 122 108 122 146
2013 366 388 399 367 129 120 93 136
2012 384 408 412 379 119 97 93 115
2011 396 421 418 388 109 94 86 109
2010 431 448 450 410 89 79 72 98
2009 453 469 470 442 82 70 65 80
2008 491 462 49 69
2007 476 60
2006 513
2005 523
2004 553
2003 543
2002 543
2001 554
2000 557
1999 579
1998 578
1997 580
1996 587
1995 491
1994 386
Quarter Licensed SORN
2023 Q4 225 241
2023 Q3 238 235
2023 Q2 248 226
2023 Q1 222 249
2022 Q4 234 246
2022 Q3 261 217
2022 Q2 258 218
2022 Q1 238 234
2021 Q4 238 243
2021 Q3 260 223
2021 Q2 261 215
2021 Q1 217 245
2020 Q4 231 253
2020 Q3 254 236
2020 Q2 241 242
2020 Q1 247 248
2019 Q4 268 0
2019 Q3 300 204
2019 Q2 300 192
2019 Q1 278 219
2018 Q4 291 215
2018 Q3 313 189
2018 Q2 308 173
2018 Q1 298 192
2017 Q4 303 196
2017 Q3 335 174
2017 Q2 333 157
2017 Q1 318 170
2016 Q4 309 189
2016 Q3 341 154
2016 Q2 354 146
2016 Q1 334 169
2015 Q4 340 165
2015 Q3 360 138
2015 Q2 359 131
2015 Q1 347 142
2014 Q4 356 146
2014 Q3 390 122
2014 Q2 393 108
2014 Q1 360 122
2013 Q4 367 136
2013 Q3 399 93
2013 Q2 388 120
2013 Q1 366 129
2012 Q4 379 115
2012 Q3 412 93
2012 Q2 408 97
2012 Q1 384 119
2011 Q4 388 109
2011 Q3 418 86
2011 Q2 421 94
2011 Q1 396 109
2010 Q4 410 98
2010 Q3 450 72
2010 Q2 448 79
2010 Q1 431 89
2009 Q4 442 80
2009 Q3 470 65
2009 Q2 469 70
2009 Q1 453 82
2008 Q4 462 69
2008 Q3 491 49
2007 Q4 476 60
2006 Q4 513
2005 Q4 523
2004 Q4 553
2003 Q4 543
2002 Q4 543
2001 Q4 554
2000 Q4 557
1999 Q4 579
1998 Q4 578
1997 Q4 580
1996 Q4 587
1995 Q4 491
1994 Q4 386

Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 ?
Licensed 27 32 28 36 44 45 5 1 1
SORN 50 43 34 36 36 30 1 0 0
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
Licensed 0 1 2 0 2 1
SORN 1 1 1 3 3 2
Year Licensed SORN
Unknown 1 0
1998 1 0
1997 5 1
1996 45 30
1995 44 36
1994 36 36
1993 28 34
1992 32 43
1991 27 50
1990 1 2
1989 2 3
1988 0 3
1987 2 1
1986 1 1
1985 0 1

This table records the year of registration, not the actual age of the vehicle. More info.
Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

Licensed 7
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Licensed 24 32 28 35 44 45 4 2 0 0
SORN 48 41 33 33 33 28 0 0 0 1
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
Licensed 0 1 1 0 1 1
SORN 1 1 0 1 1 1
Year Licensed SORN
Unknown 7 19
2000 0 1
1999 0 0
1998 2 0
1997 4 0
1996 45 28
1995 44 33
1994 35 33
1993 28 33
1992 32 41
1991 24 48
1990 1 1
1989 1 1
1988 0 1
1987 1 0
1986 1 1
1985 0 1

Vehicles registered for the first time, annually

Covers United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland to 2014 Q2. Includes Northern Ireland from 2014 Q3.

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
2 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 1
Year Registrations
2023 1
2022 0
2021 0
2020 0
2019 2
2018 1
2017 0
2016 2
2015 3
2014 0
2013 0
2012 1
2011 0
2010 0
2009 0
2008 1
2007 3
2006 1
2005 1
2004 2
2003 3
2002 2
2001 2

Vehicles licensed or SORN in 2023 Q4, by fuel type and engine capacity

Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

Capacity Licensed SORN
Petrol Diesel Other Petrol Diesel Other
4001cc to 4100cc 1
6501cc to 6600cc 1
6701cc to 6800cc 224 239 1
Capacity Licensed SORN
4001cc to 4100cc Petrol 1
6501cc to 6600cc Petrol 1
6701cc to 6800cc Petrol 224 239
Other 1