Quarterly number of vehicles licensed or SORN

Numbers recorded on the last day of each quarter. SORN from 2007 Q4.
Covers United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland up to 2014 Q2. Includes Northern Ireland from 2014 Q3.

Licensed SORN
Quarter Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2023 18 17 16 14 120 121 123 123
2022 22 17 17 16 121 123 122 122
2021 24 22 22 20 127 124 123 123
2020 24 25 26 26 132 129 129 127
2019 37 33 30 27 133 131 132 0
2018 45 45 42 40 143 134 134 132
2017 66 60 56 51 143 142 142 141
2016 83 81 73 67 150 149 148 147
2015 140 125 112 91 144 145 147 151
2014 187 174 168 151 150 137 145 147
2013 288 256 228 203 142 141 135 158
2012 451 402 372 323 172 161 151 157
2011 687 620 551 502 225 207 199 185
2010 1.0k 921 837 754 290 258 257 230
2009 1.6k 1.4k 1.2k 1.1k 378 364 344 319
2008 1.9k 1.8k 394 390
2007 2.6k 450
2006 3.8k
2005 5.5k
2004 7.1k
2003 8.1k
2002 9.1k
2001 9.6k
2000 10k
1999 10k
1998 10k
1997 10k
1996 11k
1995 10k
1994 8.5k
Quarter Licensed SORN
2023 Q4 14 123
2023 Q3 16 123
2023 Q2 17 121
2023 Q1 18 120
2022 Q4 16 122
2022 Q3 17 122
2022 Q2 17 123
2022 Q1 22 121
2021 Q4 20 123
2021 Q3 22 123
2021 Q2 22 124
2021 Q1 24 127
2020 Q4 26 127
2020 Q3 26 129
2020 Q2 25 129
2020 Q1 24 132
2019 Q4 27 0
2019 Q3 30 132
2019 Q2 33 131
2019 Q1 37 133
2018 Q4 40 132
2018 Q3 42 134
2018 Q2 45 134
2018 Q1 45 143
2017 Q4 51 141
2017 Q3 56 142
2017 Q2 60 142
2017 Q1 66 143
2016 Q4 67 147
2016 Q3 73 148
2016 Q2 81 149
2016 Q1 83 150
2015 Q4 91 151
2015 Q3 112 147
2015 Q2 125 145
2015 Q1 140 144
2014 Q4 151 147
2014 Q3 168 145
2014 Q2 174 137
2014 Q1 187 150
2013 Q4 203 158
2013 Q3 228 135
2013 Q2 256 141
2013 Q1 288 142
2012 Q4 323 157
2012 Q3 372 151
2012 Q2 402 161
2012 Q1 451 172
2011 Q4 502 185
2011 Q3 551 199
2011 Q2 620 207
2011 Q1 687 225
2010 Q4 754 230
2010 Q3 837 257
2010 Q2 921 258
2010 Q1 1.0k 290
2009 Q4 1.1k 319
2009 Q3 1.2k 344
2009 Q2 1.4k 364
2009 Q1 1.6k 378
2008 Q4 1.8k 390
2008 Q3 1.9k 394
2007 Q4 2.6k 450
2006 Q4 3.8k
2005 Q4 5.5k
2004 Q4 7.1k
2003 Q4 8.1k
2002 Q4 9.1k
2001 Q4 9.6k
2000 Q4 10k
1999 Q4 10k
1998 Q4 10k
1997 Q4 10k
1996 Q4 11k
1995 Q4 10k
1994 Q4 8.5k

Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ?
Licensed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
SORN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Licensed 3 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0
SORN 19 32 26 32 12 0 0 0 0
Year Licensed SORN
Unknown 0 2
2009 5 0
2008 0 0
2007 0 0
2006 0 0
2005 0 0
2004 0 0
2003 0 0
2002 0 0
2001 0 0
2000 0 0
1999 0 0
1998 0 0
1997 0 0
1996 0 12
1995 3 32
1994 1 26
1993 2 32
1992 3 19

This table records the year of registration, not the actual age of the vehicle. More info.
Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ?
Licensed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
SORN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Licensed 0 3 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0
SORN 1 20 32 24 32 12 0 0 0 0
Year Licensed SORN
Unknown 0 2
2009 5 0
2008 0 0
2007 0 0
2006 0 0
2005 0 0
2004 0 0
2003 0 0
2002 0 0
2001 0 0
2000 0 0
1999 0 0
1998 0 0
1997 0 0
1996 0 12
1995 3 32
1994 1 24
1993 2 32
1992 3 20
1991 0 1

Vehicles registered for the first time, annually

Covers United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland to 2014 Q2. Includes Northern Ireland from 2014 Q3.

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1 1 4 2 0 0 0 0 8 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Year Registrations
2023 0
2022 0
2021 0
2020 0
2019 0
2018 0
2017 0
2016 0
2015 0
2014 0
2013 0
2012 1
2011 0
2010 3
2009 8
2008 0
2007 0
2006 0
2005 0
2004 2
2003 4
2002 1
2001 1

Vehicles licensed or SORN in 2023 Q4, by fuel type and engine capacity

Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

Capacity Licensed SORN
Petrol Diesel Other Petrol Diesel Other
1501cc to 1600cc 5
1901cc to 2000cc 9 123
Capacity Licensed SORN
1501cc to 1600cc Petrol
Diesel 5
1901cc to 2000cc Petrol
Diesel 9 123