Quarterly number of vehicles licensed or SORN

Numbers recorded on the last day of each quarter. SORN from 2007 Q4.
Covers United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland up to 2014 Q2. Includes Northern Ireland from 2014 Q3.

Licensed SORN
Quarter Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2024 315 813
2023 342 379 376 324 780 765 782 825
2022 400 431 419 366 749 715 735 792
2021 408 470 445 397 742 707 713 769
2020 432 477 503 426 759 700 696 767
2019 488 516 516 453 683 683 696 755
2018 566 624 604 516 623 593 619 702
2017 628 685 662 586 548 547 575 651
2016 664 717 728 647 553 501 519 584
2015 698 795 773 675 494 457 490 560
2014 753 840 859 732 464 404 431 532
2013 806 874 879 763 403 366 370 527
2012 908 915 906 836 365 355 384 447
2011 1.0k 1.0k 1.0k 941 285 268 317 392
2010 1.0k 1.0k 1.1k 1.0k 294 304 301 328
2009 1.1k 1.1k 1.1k 1.1k 271 274 288 318
2008 1.2k 1.2k 261 284
2007 1.2k 256
2006 1.3k
2005 1.3k
2004 1.4k
2003 1.4k
2002 1.3k
2001 925
2000 501
1999 0
1998 0
1997 0
1996 0
1995 0
1994 0
Quarter Licensed SORN
2024 Q1 315 813
2023 Q4 324 825
2023 Q3 376 782
2023 Q2 379 765
2023 Q1 342 780
2022 Q4 366 792
2022 Q3 419 735
2022 Q2 431 715
2022 Q1 400 749
2021 Q4 397 769
2021 Q3 445 713
2021 Q2 470 707
2021 Q1 408 742
2020 Q4 426 767
2020 Q3 503 696
2020 Q2 477 700
2020 Q1 432 759
2019 Q4 453 755
2019 Q3 516 696
2019 Q2 516 683
2019 Q1 488 683
2018 Q4 516 702
2018 Q3 604 619
2018 Q2 624 593
2018 Q1 566 623
2017 Q4 586 651
2017 Q3 662 575
2017 Q2 685 547
2017 Q1 628 548
2016 Q4 647 584
2016 Q3 728 519
2016 Q2 717 501
2016 Q1 664 553
2015 Q4 675 560
2015 Q3 773 490
2015 Q2 795 457
2015 Q1 698 494
2014 Q4 732 532
2014 Q3 859 431
2014 Q2 840 404
2014 Q1 753 464
2013 Q4 763 527
2013 Q3 879 370
2013 Q2 874 366
2013 Q1 806 403
2012 Q4 836 447
2012 Q3 906 384
2012 Q2 915 355
2012 Q1 908 365
2011 Q4 941 392
2011 Q3 1.0k 317
2011 Q2 1.0k 268
2011 Q1 1.0k 285
2010 Q4 1.0k 328
2010 Q3 1.1k 301
2010 Q2 1.0k 304
2010 Q1 1.0k 294
2009 Q4 1.1k 318
2009 Q3 1.1k 288
2009 Q2 1.1k 274
2009 Q1 1.1k 271
2008 Q4 1.2k 284
2008 Q3 1.2k 261
2007 Q4 1.2k 256
2006 Q4 1.3k
2005 Q4 1.3k
2004 Q4 1.4k
2003 Q4 1.4k
2002 Q4 1.3k
2001 Q4 925
2000 Q4 501
1999 Q4 0
1998 Q4 0
1997 Q4 0
1996 Q4 0
1995 Q4 0
1994 Q4 0

Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

2001 2002 2003 2004
Licensed 94 89 29 8
SORN 265 203 69 17
Licensed 104
SORN 271
Year Licensed SORN
2004 8 17
2003 29 69
2002 89 203
2001 94 265
2000 104 271

This table records the year of registration, not the actual age of the vehicle. More info.
Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ?
Licensed 92 88 29 7 1 5
SORN 258 200 68 17 0 20
Licensed 102
SORN 262
Year Licensed SORN
Unknown 5 20
2005 1 0
2004 7 17
2003 29 68
2002 88 200
2001 92 258
2000 102 262

Vehicles registered for the first time, annually

Covers United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland to 2014 Q2. Includes Northern Ireland from 2014 Q3.

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
574 446 141 36 2 2 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Year Registrations
2024 0
2023 0
2022 0
2021 0
2020 0
2019 0
2018 0
2017 1
2016 1
2015 0
2014 0
2013 1
2012 0
2011 1
2010 2
2009 1
2008 0
2007 0
2006 2
2005 2
2004 36
2003 141
2002 446
2001 574

Vehicles licensed or SORN in 2023 Q4, by fuel type and engine capacity

Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

Capacity Licensed SORN
Petrol Diesel Other Petrol Diesel Other
501cc to 600cc 320 813 1
601cc to 700cc 4 10
5401cc to 5500cc 1
Capacity Licensed SORN
501cc to 600cc Petrol 320 813
Diesel 1
601cc to 700cc Petrol 4 10
5401cc to 5500cc Petrol 1